DutchCrafters Amish Furniture promotes Heather Anderson to Showroom Operations Manager
Sarasota, Fla./Alpharetta, Ga.—Heather Anderson has been promoted to Showroom Operations Manager with DutchCrafters Amish Furniture, the leading retailer of Amish furniture and home décor at DutchCrafters.com. Anderson joined the company in April 2021 as Showroom Manager in Sarasota.
“Heather brought a lot of retail management experience to her role, and her skill set translated well to her work at DutchCrafters,” said Kari-Jo Koshes, director of stores and fulfillment. “Heather grew from Sarasota Showroom Manager to Showroom Operations Manager based on her ability to oversee one showroom while aiding DutchCrafters’ expansion into new showrooms.”
Anderson’s extensive retail management expertise includes 15 years of professional merchandising, customer service, talent development, financial analysis, and team building in addition to her passion for home décor design trends. She enjoys connecting customers with the creative process of designing built-to-order, heirloom-quality, American-made Amish furniture in the showroom design center.
“As we embrace showroom expansion,” said Anderson, “it is an exciting challenge to be overseeing more than one showroom’s training, merchandising, and operations.”
DutchCrafters is excited about the hands-on experience their showrooms offer customers. Customers love to participate in creating the furniture they will treasure for years to come. DutchCrafters Furniture Specialists present options and help people envision the best fit for their space and personal style. Customers recognize, and are impressed with, the quality furnishings they see, touch and experience in the showrooms. They are surprised by the variety of styles, lighting, wood types, finish colors, upholstery, hardware and custom features they can select from the design centers. DutchCrafters provides different ideas and options, so customers can select their one-of-a-kind furniture that expresses the look they love.