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  2. Unfinished Table Parts
American Made Heavy Duty Pedestal Table Slide
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American Made Heavy Duty Pedestal Table Slide

Product ID:7805
$ 80.75 $95 (Save $14.25) Save 15% on this product.

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Dimensions & Specifications

21" for one 12" leaf
28" for two 12" leaves
38" for three 12" leaves
50" for four 12" leaves

Maple Wood

Delivery Cost & Lead Time

Quality takes time. This product is expected to be delivered in 4 to 5 weeks.

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Buy as Shown


Constructing your own custom-made pedestal dining table? Make it versatile with extensions and this durable table slide. Made of solid maple wood by an Amish craftsman in Pennsylvania. Sprockets can be found on both assemblies. For a table that extends smoothly, pick the highest quality parts. Order the size that corresponds to the number of leaves your table will have:

  • 21" for one 12" leaf
  • 28" for two 12" leaves
  • 38" for three 12" leaves
  • 50" for four 12" leaves

Also see our Five Rail Pedestal Table Slide. If you have any questions, please give us a call or email them to questions@dutchcrafters.com. Let's build your best table together!

See more products from this woodshop: American Made Table Parts Collection
