5 Best Finishes for Walnut Wood

Aspen Foltz 14/11/2024

DutchCrafters Amish Furniture has been in business for over 20 years and has completed thousands of orders in the years of business. We reviewed nearly 25,000 orders over the past few years to determine Amish furniture’s most popular stains and finishes for our popular wood species. Let’s take a look at our most popular stains for one of the most premium hardwoods in fine furniture: walnut.

Walnut is One of the Most Popular Wood Types for Fine Furniture

Renowned for its beauty, walnut is a premium wood species perfect for formal dining or executive office furniture. In fact, DutchCrafters owner and CEO Jim Miller has his entire executive office set custom built-in walnut!

James Miller Executive Desk in Walnut Wood

The James Miller Executive Desk is named after the DutchCrafters CEO Jim Miller. This is the same desk that graces his office at DutchCrafters headquarters in Sarasota, FL!

How We Determined 5 Best Finishes for Walnut

We reviewed past orders from our customers to determine which ones are the most popular. As you read, you will find the five most popular walnut finishes used on Amish furniture. We have a team of dedicated furniture specialists whom our customers refer to when making design decisions, and you have the option to order samples to compare in real life. Our order research found that these five finishes are the most popular choices among our customers.

5 Best Finishes for Walnut

5. Best Walnut Finish: Asbury Brown

Asbury Brown is our most popular stain for maple wood. As it does for brown maple, it gives walnut furniture a darker shade and blends the grains together. This stain enriches the darkness since walnut is naturally a darker wood than brown maple. Asbury brown is the best dark walnut stain.

4. Best Walnut Finish: Almond

Over the past few years, an almond stain has been DutchCrafters’ fourth-most popular choice for walnut wood. It is just a bit lighter than our previous option, but it still highlights the unique grains of the wood. Almond is a great option when you want a dark look to your furniture but not too dark.

3. Best Walnut Finish: Golden Pecan

Golden Pecan, which goes head-to-head with our number two stain, does a great job of highlighting the differences in the wood grain. There is a nice contrast without blending the grains too much together.

2. Best Walnut Finish: Vintage Antique

Vintage Antique and Golden Pecan are also back-to-back in our rankings for all of our other popular woods, including oak, cherry, and brown maple. They are very similar stains, but it really comes down to the small details. In this case, ordering samples is your best option to pick the right one for you!

1. Best Walnut Finish: Natural

Many people believe walnut’s natural grain is the most beautiful. With its rich color and unique grain pattern, it makes sense why natural walnut is the top choice when it comes to the final finish. It allows one to bask in the beauty of the natural wood. The straighter grains on this wood give a cleaner, more elegant look compared to other woods, like oak, which tends to have wavier grains.

What is the Best Finish for Walnut Wood?

A natural finish is the top choice for walnut wood in Amish furniture. It gives this elegant wood a chance to shine!

Watch: How to Choose the Right Stain

Talk to a Walnut Furniture Specialist

Contact one of our furniture specialists to order samples, get advice on which stain will best suit your decor, or answer any questions you may have!

More Walnut Wood Resources

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by Aspen Foltz (4 Posts)

Aspen Foltz is a resident expert on Amish furniture. She studied Media and Communication Studies at Florida State University and is the former editor of the online publication HerCampus. Her work creating content about Amish furniture and Amish culture can be found all over DutchCrafters.com. In her downtime, she enjoys music trivia and reading.

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