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Cherry Wood Furniture-The Lowdown

Beth Rice 13/01/2014

You Put Cherries On Top For A Reason! Why cherry wood? There are so many wood choices, is there really a difference? YES! Related Posts 5 Best Finishes for Walnut Wood DutchCrafters Amish Furniture has been in business for over 20 years and has completed thousands of orders in the years of business. Read more 5 Best Finishes for Cherry Wood DutchCrafters Amish Furniture has been in business for over 20 years and has completed tens of… Cherry Wood Furniture-The Lowdown

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The Amish of Pinecraft

Jim Miller 04/12/2013

This blog post was updated on June 6, 2019. Pinecraft is a neighborhood of about 3000 Amish and Mennonites in Sarasota, Florida.  It’s a tourist destination for Amish and Mennonites from all over North America, in addition to being a point of curiosity for other visitors to Sarasota who might do a double-take when they see an Amish boy roller-blading down Bahia Vista Street or several Amish teenagers walking back from the bus stop with… The Amish of Pinecraft

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What Language do the Amish Speak?

Jim Miller 25/07/2013

This post was originally published on July 25th, 2013. It was updated on January 30th, 2025. If you have spoken to or been around the Amish then you may have noticed an accent or even heard them speaking another language. Today, the CEO of DutchCrafters Amish Furniture, Jim Miller, answers some commonly asked questions about the Amish language. Jim Miller’s Experience Growing Up With The Amish As a teenager, I grew up in southern Michigan… What Language do the Amish Speak?

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