What Language do the Amish Speak?

Jim Miller 25/07/2013

This post was originally published on July 25th, 2013. It was updated on January 30th, 2025.

If you have spoken to or been around the Amish then you may have noticed an accent or even heard them speaking another language. Today, the CEO of DutchCrafters Amish Furniture, Jim Miller, answers some commonly asked questions about the Amish language.

What Language Do Amish People Speak?

The Amish speak a German dialect known as Pennsylvania German, which is often referred to as Pennsylvania Dutch (Deutsche).

What Language Do Amish People Speak at Home?

Conversations between Amish people, whether at home or in public, are typically conducted in Pennsylvania Dutch. If an “English” (non-Amish) person is part of the group, the Amish generally prefer speaking English to include everyone. Outsiders eavesdropping on Pennsylvania Dutch conversations often recognize a generous sprinkling of English words.

Which Language Are Amish Children Taught in School?

Amish children are taught both English and formal German in school. Lessons are conducted in English, although students often revert to Pennsylvania Dutch in casual conversation. Formal German is also used for scripture readings and spoken during Amish church services. The Amish songbook is written in formal or high German. The boundary established by this shared language is powerful, creating an unmistakable sense of who is part of the group and who is not.

What is the First Language of the Amish?

Amish children learn Pennsylvania Dutch at home and are fluent in it before they learn English.

What is Pennsylvania Dutch?

Pennsylvania Dutch is a combination of German and English. In the early 1700s, the Amish fled religious persecution in Europe. The first Amish settlers came from Germany and settled in Pennsylvania.

Is Pennsylvania Dutch Derived From The Dutch or German Language?

Despite being called Pennsylvania “Dutch” the language incorporates German and English.

Are Amish Bibles Written in Pennsylvania Dutch?

No. Amish Bibles are written in High German.

Jim Miller’s Experience Growing Up With The Amish

As a teenager, I grew up in southern Michigan and worked in my uncle’s Amish restaurants in Wasepi, Michigan, Topeka, Indiana, and Goshen, Indiana. In this setting, I worked alongside many Amish and developed some good friendships with some of them.

If you have any more questions about Pennsylvania Dutch and Amish Culture, leave a comment below!

More Resources on Amish Culture

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