10 Fun Mother’s Day Activities
There’s nothing more important to a mother than the health and safety of her family. While there won’t likely be brunches out, trips to the spa, or visits with extended family this year, I promise that won’t matter to her. You don’t need to worry if you didn’t get to shop for that perfect gift or go to the florist to get her fresh flowers. Spending time with family at home, over Zoom or Facetime or text message will be all that matters to her.
Here are some suggestions for fun Mother’s Day activities you can partake in safely, at home, with little expense. Enjoy your time together.
10 Things to Do on Mother’s Day
Create a Garden Together
Springtime is a great time to start a garden. Zinnias, marigolds and sunflowers make good choices if you’d like to plant seeds. Good bulb options include dahlias and begonias if you’d like to cultivate bulbs together. Or, if Mom loves to cook, consider adding an herb garden just for her!
Get Baking
Bread, cookies, cake, pie—there’s nothing like getting together in the kitchen to crack some eggs and mix up some favorites. How about creating a pizza together with Mom’s favorite toppings? Some comfort food and fun preparing it makes a great Mother’s Day gift.
Create a Photo Album
Sit down with Mom and go through those old pictures. She’ll love taking time to reminisce about different events, trips and milestones captured in photos. Create a special photo album she can always cherish.
Put Together a Puzzle
Start with the frame first or just go for whatever pieces come together. It’s a great way to spend time and have a good chat. Put on some music she likes and let Mom choose the puzzle. Hang in there if she wants to go for a picture with 1000 pieces or more!

Plan a Special Toast to Mom
Mix up a mojito or pour her favorite drink in a fancy glass and celebrate Mom with some special words of tribute. Poems, stories and straight up praise all work well!
Get Out the Yoga Mats
Meditation, relaxation and some gentle stretches are great ways to spend some quality time with Mom. Fill her water bottle, grab her a towel and enjoy.
Make Dinner Together
There’s nothing like working in the kitchen together. Get slicing, chopping and mixing with Mom as you whip up some of her favorites. Chat and catch up. Play some music she likes. Light a candle for a warm glow. She’ll love it and have a wonderful meal to look forward to and an even more wonderful memory.
Sing Some Karaoke
Whether Mom is a crooner or not, become her captive audience and host a family karaoke party. The whole family can sing along to Mom’s favorites. Microphones are not needed. A simple hairbrush will do if she’d like a prop to sing in to!
Watch a Movie Together
Let Mom select the flick and settle in together in the living room. Grab her a throw blanket and make some popcorn just the way she likes it.
Let Mom Sleep In
Make sure Mom doesn’t set her alarm. Keep things as quiet as you can and let her extend her hours of slumber. Maybe get some breakfast going while she catches some extra Zs.
You don’t have to go out and shop to make Mother’s Day special. Enjoy these fun Mother’s Day activities at home with the ones you love.