Tag Archives: Amish bookcase

8 Ways to Get Organized for Back to School

Beth Rice 08/08/2016

It’s time for new shoes and lunch boxes once again.  As lazy summer days come to an end, we’re energized with new ideas to get you organized and ready for the first day of school. From pre-school to college, solid wood Amish furniture can make the morning routine a little easier, the homework time more interesting, and the organization helpful for all ages. Greeting the Day Children thrive on routine. Set up a spot for… 8 Ways to Get Organized for Back to School

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Transition a Child’s Room to a Teenager’s Room

Leah Meldman 04/08/2016

It seems like just yesterday your little one was running around with dolls or action figures, perfectly content with their pint-sized bed covered in stuffed animals. But, in the blink of an eye, your precocious child became a tenacious teenager. Help your teenager transition into the next phase of their life with an updated bedroom that suits their needs and tastes. Upgrade Their Slumber Whether they are entering middle or high school, you’ve probably noticed… Transition a Child’s Room to a Teenager’s Room

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Classic Combinations: Reading Nook Furniture that Eases You Into Fall

Jayca Pike 27/08/2015

This blog post was updated on October 22, 2018 with new reading nook chair suggestions. Classic Combinations: Reading Nook Furniture that Eases You Into Fall Two simple things: a solid wood bookcase and a reading chair. Most homeowners will have versions of these hanging around the house, but together? Together they are an oft-overlooked, pleasing power couple. To wit: Related Posts For Your Summer Reading List If there’s one thing I love about summer, it’s shoving some… Classic Combinations: Reading Nook Furniture that Eases You Into Fall

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5 Ways to Organize your Living Room with a Bookcase

Jayca Pike 13/04/2015

How’s your living room feeling this spring? Light? Tidy? Primed & ready for swarms of summer visitors? If your answers are shrugs and sighs and shakes of the head, let Emily Wignall from Anatomy of Design show you some clever ways to organize your living room with one simple piece: the bookcase! Related Posts Keep the Resolution to Stay Organized with Amish Furniture If you resolved to stay organized this year, you’ve come to the right… 5 Ways to Organize your Living Room with a Bookcase

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