Monthly Archives: April 2022

Things to Know About Grommets

Beth Rice 28/04/2022

Shall we talk grommets? What are they? What purpose do they serve? What are the benefits and why should you consider adding them to your desk? Here are helpful things to know about grommets. What is a grommet and what does it do? A grommet is a round shaped edge strip that offers protection. It seals off the uneven or jagged edge of a hole to make it smooth for anything passing through it. Grommets… Things to Know About Grommets

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The History of the Living Room

Beth Rice 21/04/2022

How did the living room come to be? Why is it called a living room? Is a family room really a living room? How do they differ? Who knew the room we rely on each day for some relaxation could generate so many questions? Living room design really does have history behind it. Here’s how it goes. Before the Living Room While Louis the XIV lived in luxury, he didn’t necessarily live in comfort, and… The History of the Living Room

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Create a Nook Look: Breakfast Nook Ideas for Your Kitchen

Beth Rice 07/04/2022

We all love the look: the nook look. Irresistibly charming and cozy, the breakfast nook isn’t just for breakfast anymore. Breakfast nook ideas cover everything from eating meals to working on projects and puzzles, to playing games with family or enjoying coffee on a lazy Saturday morning. Upon hearing the words “breakfast nook,” visions of fluffy pancakes, cozy pajamas and a cup of coffee with family gathered around may come to mind. What constitutes a… Create a Nook Look: Breakfast Nook Ideas for Your Kitchen

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